Manifest with Prosperity Blog

The Manifest with Prosperity Blog is a mini-journal. It will...

* Let you know about the latest web pages that appear on Create-Prosperity, telling you about new ways to manifest your reality.

* Ideas and suggestions on how to put all these techniques together.

* Experiences and adventures that myself and others have experienced in trying out these techniques.

Enjoy, and let us know how your journey unfolds!

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Abundance and Prosperity

Good day wherever you may be! We have been at work in playing with ideas on how to interact with you all more.

With that said...

I have a question for you that I need a Yes/No to……

I have been thinking of creating a new Facebook Group that will offer the following:

  • - Gain insights into a unique system that combines strategic planning and holistic practices for, specifically designed to help you to come up with ideas to generate extra income and create fulfilling opportunities.
  • - Participate in live training sessions every other month, where you'll receive valuable advice, actionable strategies to help you succeed on your entrepreneurial journey.
  • - Enjoy bi-weekly content tailored to inspire and guide you, providing continuous motivation and tips to keep you on track towards achieving your financial and personal goals.

If this is something that would be of interest to you (or not) would you be kind enough to let me know at Contact Me.

All I need is for you to is send a Yes/No, and let me know that you are sending this message from .

If I get a ‘Yes’ (and I hope I do), I will send you some more info and some free resources directly to you.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. I am so excited about this group and helping as many people as possible”!

What Is The Heart Chakra?

what is the heart chakra info graphic

What is the heart chakra: Explore this chakra's role in love, compassion, & prosperity. Learn how balance cultivates abundance & harmonious relationships.

Continue reading "What Is The Heart Chakra?"

Attitude Of Gratitude Examples

I have a couple of attitude of gratitude examples. For me, personally, I was leading a team of 19 people. I had never done that before, and I felt like

Continue reading "Attitude Of Gratitude Examples"

Powerful Visualization Techniques

One of my most powerful visualization techniques was when I sat down and wrote down 10 characteristics I would like my next doctor to have. If I was able

Continue reading "Powerful Visualization Techniques"

Goal Setting Visualization: Power Up The Prosperity Mindset

Goal setting visualization photo with man on peak watching sunset

Goal Setting Visualization: Power up and focus goal setting with visualization while marrying possibility with action.

Continue reading "Goal Setting Visualization: Power Up The Prosperity Mindset"

Pathway to Prosperity

It has been awhile in developing new content for this site. However, something else has been afoot...

If you have not discovered the Creating Prosperity Digest, the digest has started going out albeit not as regularly as I would have initially liked.

Sometimes I was pulled away during a very busy time during a leadership program despite the best of intentions.

The digest is currently set up to share the following:

  • What's New - even if it is just new thoughts.
  • A prosperity quote
  • A personal prosperity lesson

The hope is that you can see yourself in the personal prosperity lesson. Sometimes the prosperity lesson covers prosperity more from the personal relationship perspective, and other times from the financial perspective.

Prosperity is about thriving in all aspects of life, not just in the material world. Prosperity can also encompass joy and fulfillment.

The latest digest is due to come out on March 13. Click Creating Prosperity Digest to sign up for hearing the latest and greatest.

You will also be the first to know of opportunities such as coaching opportunities, meetup events, and spiritual healing facilitation.

Click Create Prosperity Digest for pass issues.

In the meantime, be on the look out for new content being released this month.

See you soon!

Law Of Attraction Visualization

law of attraction visualization man enjoying sun

Law of attraction visualization: enhancing the quality of your visualization with at least a couple of ideas to help you attract what you envision.

Continue reading "Law Of Attraction Visualization"

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra: manipura.

The solar plexus chakra: Discover the true power of the Solar Plexus Chakra. Embrace personal integrity and cultivate self-esteem.

Continue reading "The Solar Plexus Chakra"

What is a Sacral Chakra?

Elements in what is a sacral chakra?

Discover the underlying elements that answers the question: what is a sacral chakra? Read the stories illustrate the elements of this chakra.

Continue reading "What is a Sacral Chakra?"

DISCLAIMER:  Please be aware that the information on this website is for educational purposes only. cannot guarantee the results you will achieve by applying the principles and practices that are listed on this site.