Dynamic Laws Of Prosperity:
Access To Prosperity & Fulfillment

This set of prosperity laws picks up where the dynamic laws of prosperity page left off.  We cover 3 more laws that all seem to work together nicely.  We will put a different spin on each topic and make it more personable.  These are all laws that you can practice working with at any time.

We have The Law of Reciprocity, The Law of Tithing, and The Law of Forgiveness.

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Dynamic Laws Of Prosperity:  The Law Of Reciprocity

As far as the dynamic laws of prosperity, the Law of Reciprocity one is pretty simple.  You cannot get something for nothing.  You have to give something.  You could do something as give a smile. 

Or if you want respect, you have to respect yourself first and grant other people respect.  Or it could be as simple as being of service to another person with nothing expected in return.

Giving and receiving is an important part of the dynamic laws of prosperity.

As far as the dynamic laws of prosperity, the Law of Reciprocity one is pretty simple.  You cannot get something for nothing.  You have to give something.  You could do something as give a smile. 

Or if you want respect, you have to respect yourself first and grant other people respect.  Or it could be as simple as being of service to another person with nothing expected in return.

I ran into the latter situation recently.  I had a strange noise when I started my car.  I took it into a mechanic that has really good reviews, and awaited the verdict.  He could find nothing wrong. 

Of course, my car decided to behave when I took it to the mechanic!  When I arrived, he showed me the things he looked at to inspect the car and listen for any problems.  He also kept my car in the bay so that it would not get snowed on.  His fee for inspecting my car? 

Nothing.  I was stunned.  However, because of his honesty and care for my car, I plan on bringing it back to him if I need any service for my car.  Finding an honest mechanic who is there to serve is not always easy to find.

The yin and yang in the dynamic laws of prosperity.

Law Of Reciprocity And Receiving

That said, another important component of the Law of Reciprocity that is not sometimes forgotten: 

Receiving!!  Often, we give and give and give.  However, it is just as valuable to receive as it is to give. 

Giving and receiving is like yin and yang.  Balance requires both.

Why is receiving so important?  Let me give you an example.  Let us say someone acknowledges you. 

The simple act of saying thank you leaves the other person feeling good that they were able to contribute to you.  If you don't believe me, consider this. 

I once argued with someone that I really didn't do anything after she acknowledged me.  It actually made her feel horrible, and she was left upset.  However, when I gracefully thanked her for the acknowledgment, it left both of us in a good place. 

We both contributed to each other, and received each other's contribution in a single conversation.  Next time someone acknowledges you, instead of brushing it aside, just say thank you.  See what opens up! 

From here, we are going to move into the last article of this series that covers some of the most important principles and ideas in The Law of Attraction and Prosperity.

DISCLAIMER:  Please be aware that the information on this website is for educational purposes only.  Create-prosperity.com cannot guarantee the results you will achieve by applying the principles and practices that are listed on this site.