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Creating Prosperity, Issue #002 -- Happy New Year and Prosperity
March 22, 2023

Happy New Year and Prosperity 2023!

Can you believe it? We are at the end of March 2023! This is a bit late to wish you a Happy New Year and Prosperity. Better late than never!

I know I have been inactive for awhile. I had become consumed by a job, and then took a long while to recover. But, I am back! I started 2023 off with a new blog post, and I am now developing new content.

This is the year when I get back in action with this as my passion project. I will use this newsletter to keep you informed of up and coming new happenings within Creating Prosperity throughout the remainder of the year.

Let us get some prosperity flowing!

What's New in 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, 1 new stand alone blog post has gone up, 1 new page has gone up…

  1. What's Prosperity Mean? Here, I go into a deeper dive of what prosperity means to me based on personal experience as I kicked off the site again. Please click here to visit the "Blog" page.
  2. Feeling Tired After Energy Healing? After an energy healing session or even a deep tissue massage, you may leave the session feeling very tired. I share my personal experience, what to expect, and tips on what you can do. Please click here to visit the "Feeling Tired After Energy Healing?" page.

Prosperity Affirmation

Miracles are love in action

From Creating Money by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, a book published by H J Kramer Inc. and New World Library. Information at

Personal Prosperity Lesson

My personal prosperity lesson for the month is that money is only ONE aspect of prosperity. I hit 2 career goals in 3 years. I hit my salary goals just before I hit my career goals. However, I was left with, what is next?

Prosperity is not just about money. Prosperity includes the fulfillment to the contribution you make, the quality of your relationships, well-being, almost any area of your life you can consider. Prosperity is about thriving in all areas of life, not just the material world.

Creating Prosperity brings you creative ideas on radiating your inner prosperity. You can use the ideas that work best for you.

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Creating Prosperity

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